Workshops in Oral Storytelling for Grown-ups
We offer workshops to promote learning and practice of oral storytelling.
At the moment, we have four offerings.
'Why Don't You Start Storytelling?' is a crash course in storytelling for beginners, open for people of all ages, and from all walks of life.
'Teachers Telling Tales' is an immersive workshop series for teachers, and educators, who wish to use stories in schools.
'Gift of Stories' is an immersive workshop series for parents, and caregivers who wish to tell/use stories for their children.
'Sarai' is an immersive workshop series for professionals, who wish to re-discover and re-imagine their artistic and work self.
For large groups or customized learning needs, kindly write to us.
For select few people and org, we also offer mentoring and consultancy,
guest lectures and performances. If you have a need, write to us.

A crash course in Storytelling
We all know how to tell stories.
Some of us need reminders, some of us need a little help and all of us need a community to share our stories. That's what we offer.
We help people from all walks of life to start storytelling by enabling them to experience stories as listeners and creators, by helping them identifying their strengths and natural ways of telling, and by adding flavors of some tips and techniques.
In twelve hours of group workshops, one learns how to imagine flow of a story, how to bring stories to life through narrative richness and how to re-create the time, landscapes and creatures of the stories.
At the end of the workshop, it is expected that learner would be telling a story independently, with a community of their choice.
This online workshop runs through 12 hours.
Next workshop is in January, 2024.

An immersive workshop series for teachers and educators
How can we use stories in schools beyond the moralizing and memorizing that we are used to?
This workshop series is informed by action research work done with teachers in India to explore how stories are (and could be) used in schools to not only support learning and socio-emotional well being of students, but that of teachers too.
Drawing from theoretical research and experiential knowledge of working with young children and adolescents, this workshop enables teachers, young and old, to re-examine their pedagogical beliefs and practices related to stories and storytelling. .
This workshop is offered in two languages for two separate batches- English and Hindi. It runs through 24 hours spread across 12 sessions on 120 mins each.
At the moment, we are not accepting applications. We will notify when the next workshop is scheduled.

An immersive workshop series for parents and caregivers
We absolutely don't have any magical potions or Ed-tech hacks to make your child a prodigy or entrepreneur. Sorry.
We believe in letting children be. But, if we can, then we must, create an environment where children can practice empathy, playfulness and imagination. That's where the magic of stories lie.
The most valuable gift parents can give their child is their time. If you are a parent, grandparent or a caregiver willing to learn storytelling so that you can tell stories to children in your family and community, we are here to support you.
If this interests you, kindly write to us. We will notify you, when this offering is scheduled next.

An immersive workshop series for professionals or anyone seeking to re-imagine life and work
Look around, and you will find thousands of people unhappy about their work and life choices. The hustle and the glorified grind, the carrot and the sticks seem unending, never allowing a moment to pause and re-imagine, if work could be more, if life could be different?
Sarai were places in the past where travelers gathered for rest and recreation. It was a place to pause and to reflect, before the long journey. It was also a place where great ideas and stories were shared, stories that transformed the listeners and tellers, and the world itself.
We wish to recreate safe spaces for people to re-discover their purpose and re-imagine their work and their true calling.
Together we will use the wisdom of stories and the art of storytelling, to guide us into finding meaning and pleasure, passion and impact in the work we do or wish to do.
If this interests you, kindly write to us. We will notify you when this offering is scheduled next.